Alcohol during pregnancy a no-no

Why alcohol should be avoided while pregnant.

ER24 is urging pregnant women to refrain from drinking alcohol.

When asked to explain Foetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS), Willem Stassen, ER24 Critical Care Paramedic, said that it is the leading preventable cause of mental retardation.

“It is a clinical syndrome that occurs when the unborn baby is exposed to alcohol through maternal alcohol consumption. This syndrome is characterised by distinct facial abnormalities and other defects in the heart, muscles, kidneys and eyes. One study reports that the incidence of FAS in some South African populations may be as high as 12,2 per cent.

“By far the most devastating of these defects is the brain damage that is associated with FAS, which may present as irritability, reduced brain development, difficulty learning, weak and floppy muscles and problems with hearing and sight.

Unfortunately, the damage done in FAS is permanent and cannot be undone,” he said.

Stassen said that there is no safe level or safe period for alcohol intake during pregnancy. Genetics, alcohol clearance rates, foetal sensitivity to alcohol, and the drinking patterns of the mother-to-be all affect the unborn child.

“For this reason, all international guidelines recommend that pregnant women completely abstain from all alcoholic beverages during the entire duration of pregnancy. Pregnant women should always attend prenatal check-ups at a registered healthcare provider,” he said.

Should you require any assistance with alcohol abuse, contact Alcoholics Anonymous on 0861 HELP AA (435-722).

For more information on FAS, visit

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