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R’ftontein cops in a league of their own

Randfontein Police regarded as some of the best on the West Rand.

The Randfontein Police have raked in a number of awards at the end of the first quarter of the year.

The Randfontein Police Station as a whole gave other stations in the West Rand Cluster a run for their money, after coming out as top achiever in various award categories.

The informal medal parade and certificate ceremony took place on 8 September in the Randfontein Police Station’s Imbizo room.

The station took the title of top achiever in the visible policing (VISPOL) category for the entire cluster as well. The station was also unbeaten in possession of drugs cases, and in the crime against women and children category.

The station also achieved a 100 per cent improvement to its Efficiency Index, which indicates in percentage form how much the station has improved or declined in comparison with previous years.

In addition to the station as a whole doing well, Randfontein’s detectives walked away as the most decorated section in the station in the first quarter of the year. They received awards for successes in five categories, namely crime against women and children, property-related crimes, contact crimes, trio crimes and serious crimes.

Various individuals also took awards for being the best of the best in their sections in the station.

In addition to the awards made for improvement in criminal matters, the officers were also presented with medals for their service during the busy 2010 Soccer World Cup.

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