UPDATE: Youngster injured in R559 protests – EFF furious

You can not detain an injured person, especially a minor, and not ensure that he or she receives the proper medical attention.

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) is furious after a 16-year-old protester was detained at the Randfontein Police despite allegedly being injured in Monday’s violent protests on the R559 in Finsbury.

Reasons for the violent protests also came to light, some of them being that residents are unhappy with the lack of service delivery and issues regarding land.

Early on Monday morning (9 May), approximately 150 angry residents took to the streets saying they were promised houses but still haven’t received any.

Captain Ernst, Randfontein Police spokesperson confirmed that he Public Order Policing Services (Pops) as well as Randfonten Police soon had to be deployed to take control of the situation when the crowd started throwing stones at vehicles and attempted to vandalise a service station in the area.

After the protest Patrick Sindane, an EFF representative and member of the Gauteng Provincial Legislature spoke to the Herald at the Randfontein Police Station. He said he was furious when he received a call that a 16-year-old boy was being detained at the police station despite being injured.

“The boy had injuries to his body and hands. Police should have taken him to the nearest hospital before detaining him at the station. The law requires them to do so. You can not detain an injured person, especially a minor and not ensure that he or she receives the proper medical attention,” Sindane said.

He added that rubber bullets are not harmless as it has steel inside that can cause extensive injuries.

“The protesters were general members of the community who are tired of the lack of service delivery. This includes water and electricity and also issues regarding land. The ‘Blue house’ land in Finsbury is also a big issue since it is supposed to be developed as housing, but nobody knows when or if this process ever will start.”

He alleged that the police are not equipped to handle protest action and revert to violent action such as firing rubber bullets. Sindane claimed paramedics attended to the boy at the station but only after he had sought legal advice and put up a fight.

Captain Appel Ernst, Randfontein Police spokesperson said police acted within their mandate.

“The minor was detained at Randfontein Police Station where he received medical attention. He was taken to a juvenile detention facility afterwards.”

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Violent protest flares up in R’fontein

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