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The big five hacks for summer

Improve your summer with these hacks.

It’s that time again, South Africans are coming out of winter hibernation.

For people living in Johannesburg, the summer most probably means going off to the beach or trying to cool down without the luxury of the coast.

Here are five hacks that will make your summer more memorable: 

Floating cooler box

This one is especially for Jo’burgers who mostly have pools to cool off. You take a plastic container, cut up pool noodles and some string and fill with ice to make your very own floating cooler box.

Photo: instructables.com
Photo: instructables.com


Aloe vera ice cubes for sunburn treatment

Freeze some aloe vera gel in a ice cube tray and apply to sunburned areas on the body.

Photo: realsimple.com
Photo: realsimple.com


Photo: Flickr: forresto
Photo: Flickr: forresto


Use baby powder to get sand off your feet

Photo: Flickr: justonlysteve
Photo: Flickr: justonlysteve


Create a roll-up towel bag

Click here for instructions.

Photo: diy-enthusiasts.com
Photo: diy-enthusiasts.com
Photo: diy-enthusiasts.com
Photo: diy-enthusiasts.com


Make ice lollies out of paper cups

Get the recipe here.

Photo: seriouseats.com
Photo: seriouseats.com


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