Remember it’s Casual Day this September

Rainbow Day Care Centre to sell Casual Day stickers.

The Rainbow Day Care Centre will be one of the venues to purchase Casual Day stickers to raise funds for persons with disabilities.

The Rainbow Day Care Centre itself is a haven for disabled children and have recently been given the ‘OK’ to sell Casual Day stickers to directly benefit from the nation-wide fund raiser.

Last year the fundraiser raised R28 million in total countrywide. The fundraiser is sponsored by the Edcon Group and is owned and managed by the National Council for Persons with Physical Disabilities in South Africa (NCPPDSA).

The 2015 Casual Day campaign has already kicked off its activities as the stickers have already arrived from the printers. Schools, businesses and other participants will now be able to put their bulk orders in.

This year’s theme is ‘Spring into Action’ inspired by the spring season. The colour of this year’s fundraiser is ‘refreshing zingy mint.’

The stickers will be R10 each. Casual Day is officially on Friday (4 September).

According to Tatum Solomons from the Rainbow Day Care Centre,

The R10 contribution will benefit the multi-challenged children in our care.”

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