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Mother and baby die due to lack of oxygen

No oxygen at the hospital or in an ambulance left a 27-year-old mother and her unborn baby dead.

A 27-year-old woman and her unborn baby passed away due to a lack of oxygen at Dr Yusuf Dadoo Hospital.

A friend of the deceased told the News the highly pregnant woman was rushed to the casualty department of the hospital when she was not feeling well and started bleeding.

The woman who was due in only a week’s time waited four hours for treatment and was supposed to be transferred to Leratong Hospital as Dr Yusuf Dadoo did not have any oxygen available.

After waiting for almost four hours an ambulance without oxygen arrived at the hospital to transport her to Leratong.

“At this point Alicia le Grange’s heart stopped and personnel attempted to resuscitate her, but to no avail,” the friend said.

Sadly Le Grange, from Krugerdorp West, and her unborn baby girl, Amore died at 15.41pm.

WhatsApp messages to a friend from one of Le Grange’s family members read as follows;

• 1.47pm — “Please pray, Alicia started vomiting and is bleeding. She is struggling to breathe and the staff at the hospital refuse to give attention to the baby, they are concentrating on the mother. They want to transfer her to Leratong but she is too weak.”

•2.04pm — “They are trying to stabilise her. There is a bed ready at the Leratong ICU for her. Still no news about Amore, we pray that God will keep them safe.”

• 3.28pm — “Her heart just stopped, they are trying to resuscitate her.”

• 3.41pm — “Alicia and Amore are dead.”

• 5.12pm — “I have prayed to the Lord to take their hearts. Alicia waited nearly four hours for the ambulance, which arrived without oxygen. I blew her a kiss, and she returned the kiss. When they put her on the bed she had an attack and her heart stopped. They did not even try to remove her baby with a emergency caesarean. They just said that it was too late.”

The News is awaiting comment from the hospital regarding the tragic incident.

“It is absolutely shocking and inexcusable neither to have oxygen in a hospital nor an ambulance. Although we need answers, sadly nothing will bring back the woman or her baby,” said Jack Bloom, DA Gauteng’s shadow MEC for Health.

The News will keep readers updated as this story develops story.

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