Baby girl found on pavement

'She was wrapped in blankets, sound asleep.'

A woman couldn’t believe her eyes when she found a two-week-old baby on a pavement near her home in Park Street, Eland Smallholdings in Randfontein.

Patricia Grové left home yesterday (2 July) at 6pm and when she returned at 6.30pm she found the baby girl wrapped in blankets and sound asleep on the pavement. Next to the baby she found a plastic bag with clothing, soap, nappies, baby wipes and ear buds as well as spirits. There was no bottle in the plastic bag.

When Grové found the baby, it appeared she had just been fed as she still had a white layer of milk on her tongue. Grové phoned the Randfontein Police and took the baby there this morning (3 July). The baby then was taken to the Social Development Centre in Randfontein.

The baby seemed in good health and quite content to be at the centre.

Captain Appel Ernst confirmed that a baby had been found and said they are investigating a case of child abandonment.

If anybody has any information pertaining to the baby, please contact Captain Appel Ernst at Randfontein Police Station on 011 278 8130 or cell 082 853 0403.

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