Mandrax worth R25 million seized

Members of the Hawks discover major drug lab in Zuurbekom, Westonaria.

A joint operation between the Directorate Of Priority Crimes Investigation (HAWKS) Vaal Rand, Western Cape units and Crime Intelligence resulted in the seizure of more than R25 million worth of Mandrax on Tuesday.

Five suspects aged between 27 and 78 were arrested in the process.

According to Acting DPCI Head Major General Mthandazo Ntlemeza “Members of the HAWKS and crime intelligence uncovered a major drug lab in Zuurbekom, just outside Westonaria. The joint team acted on the information gathered by Crime Intelligence about a Mandrax manufacturing lab at a plot in Zuurbekom.

“The operation began two weeks ago when the HAWKS members received information of a clandestine laboratory that was manufacturing and transporting Mandrax tablets to clients in the Western Cape. As a result, members raided the premises and found the plot to be one of Gauteng’s largest drug hubs. The Hawks seized chemicals, equipment, a delivery van which had panels to conceal the drugs. Large quantities of packed Mandrax tablets along with Mandrax powder, still to be pressed for shipment.”

The suspects in custody are likely to face charges of possession and dealing in drugs. They appear in the Westonaria Magistrate Court on Thursday, 12 February.

Ntlemeza added “The detection of this lab is the fourth in as many days after the Hawks in Gauteng discovered a dagga hydroponic laboratory and two major CAT distribution centres at Secunda and Kuruman in Mpumalanga and Northern Cape provinces respectively, collectively worth more than R9 million.

“These operation are an excellent example of South African law enforcement agencies cooperating effectively to target illicit drug manufacturing as well as importations.

“The DPCI and its partner agencies will continue to target and investigate all organized criminal activities that seek to profit from spreading dangerous drugs into the community. The results of this operation and other recent seizures highlight the threat posed to our country by organized crime syndicates. We are committed and more united than ever and we will continue to work collaboratively and aggressively pursue anyone who takes part in illegal activity.

“This seizure is also testimony to the dedication and persistence of our officers. The job is not finished, we will continue to apply pressure on criminals who manufacture and import illicit drugs and capitalize on this significant blow to their industry,” Ntlemeza said.

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