UPDATE EFF march: The aftermath

R28 open to motorists again; foreign-owned businesses also looted.

Things are quieting down after the EFF march early on Wednesday morning.

Police have been dispatched to clear the burnt tyres and rocks from the R28 and the road has been opened to users again. The shocking scenes from Mohlakeng paint a picture of severe looting and violence that took place during the march.

Several foreign-owned businesses were looted and stripped bare during the protest. It’s said that looters made off with fridges, supplies and even mattresses.

In town at the R28 intersection – vandalized during the march – protestors were dispersed by police with rubber bullets.

The destruction is said to cost millions to repair.

Most shops in Main Street have remained closed throughout the day and a massive police presence was seen in town and on the R28.

According to residents from Mohlakeng the Premier of Gauteng, David Makhura’s office representative, Eric Mxolisi (previous MPC for Economic Affairs) visited the Mohlakeng Civic Centre and Post Office to asses the situation and damages. It is believed that Winnie Mandela, member of parliament, ANC veteran and political icon is on her way to Mohlakeng to talk to the people.

See galleries for photos:

Mohlakeng: Things are quieting down after the EFF march this morning

Chaos after the bullets

The protest before the chaos

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