EFF lists numerous demands

Municipality has seven days to respond.

The herald is in possession of a detailed memorandum compiled by the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) stipulating their every demand.

Early on Wednesday members of the EFF and the community embarked on what at first was a peaceful protest against poor service delivery, among other. Things then allegedly turned violent.

The memorandum is dated 4 February 2015 and intended for the executive mayor Sylvia Thebenare.

Some of the demands include writing off old debts of the community, the abolishment of high rates and taxes and the installation of prepaid meters in the whole of Randfontein. The memorandum states that not only are their demands of an urgent nature, it can be realised sooner because the municipality has the political power to change society for the better.

The municipality has been given seven days to respond. The EFF made it clear that failure to meet their demands, “Will leave us with no option but to render the entire Randfontein ungovernable that will lead to its total liquidation.”

The (unedited) memorandum below was provided to the herald by a private business owner in Randfontein. The person who wishes to remain anonymous said a group of EFF members approached his business asking for the memorandum to be printed. He then had no choice and obliged.

The EFF demands the following:

Amendments of Randfontein Local Municipality Credit Control

1.1 The Randfontein Local Municipality Credit Control Policy is not biased towards the community

1.2 The community of Randfontein is forced to obey this anti community policy

1.3 That imposed credit control policy to the community be scrapped and must not be used with immediate effect

High Reconnection Fees charged must be terminated

1.1 The reconnection fee of R428 for electricity of water, which is charged on top of the actual debt must be terminated with immediate effect from today (Wednesday 4 February)

1.2 This reconnection fee serves nothing but a robbing business by the municipality

Seven days’notice must be terminated

1.1 The Randfontein community demands that the seven days’notice which is given to the community inclouding to the indigents be terminated with immediate effect

Write off old debts of the community

1.1 The Randfontein community demands that the old debts of the community be terminated

1.2 The community is forced to pay unending debts even if they under indigents those debts are still being shelved unnecessary

R10 deposit adjustment on the statements must be terminated

1.1 The Randfontein community demands that the R10 deposit adjustment on the statements, which is been adjusted every month, must be terminated with immediate effect

1.2 This R10 adjustment on the statement does not serve any purpose to the community and must be scrapped

Continuous abuse of the indigents in Randfontein

1.1 The Randfontein community demands equal and fair treatment of the indigents people

1.2 The Randfontein community demands flat rate to all indigent’s payments to Randfontein Local Municipality

Abolishment of high rates and taxes

1.1 The Randfontein community demands that the high rates and taxes which currently used by the municipality is high and must be reevaluated. Int hat note the current high rates and taxes must be terminated

Prepaid meter for water

1.1 the installation of prepaid meter in the whole of Randfontein with immediate effect

1.2 Are sick and tired of paying water direct to the Randfontein Local Municipality. The community is forced to pay high bills which they don’t know where they come from and installation of prepaid meter will be a solution

1.3 One meter for the two room houses

1.4 The immediate stoppage of one metering system in the two room houses

1.5 Don’t want to experience the situation whereby one house is charged different to another house

The cut off of electricity

1.1 The Randfontein community demands that the cut off of electricity must stop within immediate effect till those demands are fulfilled

The asbestosis roofing’s

1.1 The Randfontein community demands that the asbestosis roofing’s particularly at the two room houses must be removed with immediate effect. The community is long awaited for the removal of health hazards

Graveyard fee must be terminated with immediate effect

1.1 The Randfontein Community demands that the amount which is charged for grave be terminated with immediate effect.

Seriti decent salaries and employment

1.1 The seriti millions must form part of the municipal budget and be employed permanently

1.2 The salaries of Seriti must be increase from R600 to R1600 for now in the process of absorbing them

Poor service delivery and corruption in Randfontein

1.1 Randfontein is sick and tired of poor service delivery

1.2 Randfontein is like a desert, is not developed, terms of infrastructure development and investment

1.3 Don’t want the business investment of old cars every corner of the town, this does not even bring the beauty of twon, it prevent employment creation hence it is not labor intensive

1.4 Sick and tired of the potholes at every road and street in Randfontein

1.5 Proper developments in Randfontein, not a mickey mouse developments that we like a pavement from Randfontein to Westonaria, what a shame, the community don’t want that.

1.6 Malls in their locations, maintained roads with no potholes, decent employment, colleges and skills development centres

1.7 Proper services and the installation of electricity and toilets in Madala Hostel

1.8 Proper services and the installation of electricity and water in Mohlakeng extension 5. The land in extension 5 belongs to the residence and are going nowhere.

1.9 Proper services and good standard RDP house in Extension 11, not a substandard RDP house that we experience which is incomplete with cheap materials and with no electricity

1.10 The school, electricity, recreational centres, parks, clinic, the crossing bridge at R28

1.11 Proper services and development at Finsbury, Toekomsrus, Helikon Park, Badirile, Master and Baipei Settlement.

1.12 Decent employment

Other questions raised by the EFF are:

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EFF march turns violent

Chaotic protest on R28

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