Another decomposing carcass found

(Warning: Graphic image) Another decomposing carcass found in the open.

The herald has made the shocking discovery of another animal carcass dumped on 9th Street in Wheatlands.

This raises the animal dumping toll since late last year to three. Two of these cases were dogs and one was a calf.

These dumped carcasses have two things in common; they all were found in smallholding areas. Two were in Ten Acres and the third and most recent carcass was found in Wheatlands.

According to SPCA-inspector, Janet Muller, “It is dangerous for residents to leave animal carcasses laying around in public because of possible diseases these animals may carry.”

Muller uses the canine parvovirus as an example and states that people walking by a carcass with the virus will then have their shoes and clothing contaminated with the virus. These people then walk past a house where a dog is and infects it.

It is exceptionally difficult to keep these diseases at bay when people dump animals on the side of the road that could infect other animals.

It is also dangerous for people to go and inspect or move these carcasses if they have animals as they could risk infecting their animals should the carcass carry a disease.

Related articles:

Several carcasses found dumped

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