
Municipality cleans up schools

Municipal officials toil in school gardens for the new school year.

The Randfontein Local Municipality through the office of Waste and Environment launched a school cleanup program as the new school year begun.

The project was carried out by Community Work Project workers. They were seen raking leaves, cutting trees and removing weeds.

In addition to this, Randfontein Local Municipality officials were also seen toiling in the gardens of various schools. MMC for Waste and Environment, Theresa Kimane was seen sporting safety boots and an overall jacket with a rake in her hand. She took to the leaves on a grass as though it was her own lawn she was cleaning.

Lucky Chiya, Spokesperson for the Randfontein Executive Mayor was also seen in hard at work with a formal shirt, overall trousers and smart work shoes but help to clean up with CWP nonetheless.

Councillor Sylvia Thebanare, Randfontein Executive Mayor was also seen at Toekomsrus Primary School, liaising with the rest of the Municipal Officials in unofficial attire in order to help clean at Thuto-Bokamoso Primary School in Brandvlei.

The schools targeted by the municipality were Mohlakeng schools: Tswelelo Primary and Mohlakeng Primary School. Toekomsrus Primary School and lastly Thuto-Bokamoso Primary School in Brandvlei were also targeted.

“We are cleaning these schools up for the new school year. These schools have a budget for their grounds maintenance but we decided to help them get started for the new year,” Kimane said.

MMC Kimane of Waste and Environment stopped cleaning for a photo opportunity.
MMC Kimane of Waste and Environment stopped cleaning for a photo opportunity.

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