A festive season message from Westonaria Mayor

"We wish you a Christmas that gives contentment happiness and love."

Westonaria Executive Mayor, Cllr. Nonkoliso Tundzi writes: “The Holiday is a wonderful time for loved ones to gather and reflect on the year gone by. They are also a time to celebrate the coming year with hope and enthusiasm. Most importantly, the holidays give us an opportunity to be thankful for what we have and support those who are less fortunate.

This season, let us all reach out a little further to those around us. Let us look for those who might need that extra helping hand.

It is hard to believe that it is already time to say Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year. What a year we’ve had in Westonaria’s local municipality. This past year has been a year of many accomplishments and also some shortcoming.

Most of our achievements have been widely seen and they are tangible and indeed addresses the need of the Westonaria people. Equally some of the municipal’s shortcomings are best known by each individual resident in relation to our mandate to create infrastructure and deliver services. We have acknowledged these and committed ourselves to work tirelessly until all the issues and needs are addressed.

The celebration of Christmas in our country is when all South Africans ,regardless of their religious or cultural background, can reflect on how fortunate we are to live in a country that has fought for and enjoys democracy, freedom of rights and freedom of association.

To those who are travelling away to visit family and friends, may you have a safe and enjoyable journey, and to visitors to our city who have come to spend quality time with family and friends, I sincerely welcome you in the area and hope you have festive season.

On behalf of the Councillors and Council personnel, we wish you a Christmas that gives contentment happiness and love, we wish one and all a very happy and Prosperous New Year!”

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