Bekkersdal dump site a children’s playground

"What else can these children do if there are no facilities for recreation to keep them off the street?" a concerned resident asks.

While tending to another matter in Bekkersdal, the herald came across a large dumping site where children pick up garbage and play with it as if in a playground.

The dumping site is located around a large pool of water. It is not yet known whether the cause of the water is because of heavy rain recently.

The site is located next to a shack which in itself is not safe or healthy to live in and now has the added element of dump site detriment next to it. Opposite the site is a home from which the rot can still be smelled.

What is most striking about this site is that children wander around in the garbage and pick up what seems to them like toys which are actually waste materials that could lead to illness.

The issue with the dumping site is two-fold. Firstly, illegal dumping is taking place at the site in Bekkersdal and secondly children play there. With regard to the latter, Molatlhegi Sethepo, a concerned resident of Bekkersdal states that, “what else can these children do if there are no facilities for sport, or recreation or initiatives to keep them off the street? They are forced to find things to do.”

In addition to the health hazard that the site poses to children who wander there, the current water level at the site it could turn into a death trap and any parent’s nightmare. One could simply misstep and find oneself drowning. The site is also situated at a peculiar place that should someone fall into the water, they could hardly be seen as the site has a few meters of a drop until the water level is reached.

Comment is still awaited from the Westonaria Local Municipality regarding the matter.

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