W’aria host to major business summit

'W'aria is a small municipality in the heart of a mining hub facing many challenges.'

The Westonaria Local Municipality took hands with the Greater Westonaria Economic Development Agency (GWEDA) and hosted the Westonaria Economic Development Summit on Wednesday (10 December).

The main objective of the summit was to provide support to local enterprises in order for them to increase their access to economic opportunities and enhance business competitiveness.

Westonaria councillor Alex Moshiba opened the event with a prayer after which municipal manager Thabo Ndlovu laid out the purpose of the summit. Westonaria Executive Mayor Nonkoliso Tundzi welcomed the honorary guests and gave her key note address.

Some of the guests included Clint Norris, a Sars specialist tax consultant and Kgolane Thulare, director of the Black Business Supplier Development Programme.

After each speech guests were given the opportunity to ask questions and interact with the speaker.

“Westonaria is a small municipality in the heart of a mining hub facing many challenges and overcoming most of them through continual growth and initiatives such as this one,” said Ndlovu during his speech.

He explained that GWEDA is a non-profit organisation established by young entrepreneurs and small businesses who came together to form an entity to voice their needs.

He believes the municipality only can benefit from a partnership with GWEDA.

Westonaria Executive Mayor Nonkoliso Tundzi is being interviewed by a journalist during the Westonaria Economic Development Summit.
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