Westonaria municipality speaks to the people

'This is a way for the municipality to be more involved with the needs of the people'

The Westonaria Local Municipality through the Office of the Speaker recently embarked on a Public Participation Meeting that started in mid-November (Tuesday, 11 November) to early December (Friday, 5 December).

The forum was held in all the 16 wards of the municipality and every community member irrespective of their political affiliations attended and aired their views. The feedback was captured so that it can be included in the future plans for the municipality.

Common issues that were raised in all the areas stems from inadequate housing, no electricity or water and sanitation, very view economic opportunities and not enough health and recreational facilities.

The meetings started in the afternoons to allow those who are working to attend too. Public Participation is a legislated exercise brought in, to allow Councilors to interact with its residents to hear what their needs are. It was also an opportunity for the municipality to report back to the community about previous meeting issues and progress.

Some of the positive feedback to the community on previous issues included the finalization of the new school in Bekkersdal, the new library in Venterspost, the purchase of two new waste disposal trucks, Bekkersdal sewer upgrades and the Westonaria Borwa mixed housing development finalization.

“This is a way for the municipality to be more involved with the needs of the people and to let them know that their opinions and ideas really do count,” said Kgabane Madiehe and Assistant Manager of the Westonaria Local Municipality Corporate Services Department Communications and Customer Relations and Marketing.

People from all over Westonaria and surrounding areas gathered for the Meeting.
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