What is that smell?

Foul smell fills the air of Greenhills, municipality allegedly sends workers to attend the problem after nearly a week.

Last weekend proved to be a smelly one for residents of Greenhills, especially those living in Kenneth Road.

This after a blocked sewage drain started to overflow from a manhole. Luckily the solid waste that runs through the drain did not push through. It seemed the manhole kept the nasty at bay by acting as a filter. The stench, however, filled the air.

Motorists drove through the puddle of what seemed to be water with their windows down and to their dismay found the liquid they drove through was not a harmless puddle from the backwash of a resident’s pool.

After nearly a week the Randfontein Local Municipality sent municipal workers to unblock the drain. The smell, however, remains.

This is the second sewage issue reported to the herald in a short period, both incidents being in relatively close proximity to each other.

The previous incident was on Lelie Street in Riebeeck where residents experienced sewage-flooded homes as a result of what resident Taw Hubbard claims to be small pipes that cannot handle the load and pressure of sewage going through it, resulting in blockages and overflows.

Hubbard’s house was flooded with sewage as well as other residents’ on Lelie Street.

According to Hubbard, “It is not the first time this has happened.”

This is likewise for Kenneth Road in Greenhills.

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