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Animal carcasses found dumped in spruit

Councilor disgusted and shocked by what he saw. (Not for sensitive readers)

Residents and a councillor are up in arms after three antelope carcasses believed to be springbuck were found dumped at the Tweedeboats Spruit in Greenhills over the weekend.

DA Ward 9 councillor Peter Dick tells the herald a resident called him out to the scene and informed him that they had seen dead dogs in the spruit. 

Alarmed by this, Dick rushed to investigate and discovered the dead animals, realising the health risk it posed.

“I went to the site and needless to say, I was shocked by what I saw. What residents thought were dogs in actual fact were springbuck. I suspect that people must have gone hunting and dumped whatever they didn’t want here. I am disgusted!

“This spruit already is contaminated and there is no life here anymore,” says an upset Dick. 

He adds that he contacted the emergency services but they could not assist him. He resorted to contacting the West Rand Fire Rescue team to sort out the mess.

According to Dick the rescue team cleared the remains and disposed of it legally. Dick has called on residents to be more responsible and not pollute the area by dumping dead animals.

Warning: Disturbing graphic images.

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  1. How many were found and who did the dumping. Is our local spca to useless to pick up strays. Whts happening around our towns

  2. Dit is highly upsetting! Hoekom doen die SPCA nie hulle werk nie? Wat makeer die mense? Hierdie was eens op ‘n tyd ‘n land waarop ons hoog gestaan het met ons koppe en waaroor ons pride was? Wat het gebeur, hoekom loop dinge so verkeerd! Hoe kan mense so harteloos wees om so iets te doen? Ek hoop regtig daardie persoon/persone wat dit gedoen het word gevang!!!!!! Baie dankie aan die Wesrand fire team, dat julle moeite gedoen het om te help!!!! Hoekom doen die SPCA nie hulle werk nie? Of kom hulle net uit as iemand se hulle dink n dier ly honger! Dan wil hulle kastig iets doen! Om support te kry van onse mense af, moet die SPCA ook hulle kant bring, al is dit even om dooie diere uit water uit te haal???? Nee hemel, dinge kan nie so aangaan nie???? Siek, siek verby!!!!!!!

  3. To all the residents of Randfontein, Sanet & Charmaine, 

    First I would like to question why the Randfontein Herald did not take the time to come to the SPCA to get our side of the story to the attacks & criticisms that are being levelled at us. 
    I thought that right of reply is how a well run newspaper should react to accusations of what actually is a tragedy, for which the SPCA IS NOT to blame. As a newspaper you should really sit down & take stock of what you have done. The detractors & critics of our movement have the right to speak out. People have the right to ask questions & be given explanantions. However one reaction we have encountered with issues like this is that the public will no longer support the SPCA. Crippling our SPCA will impact on the animals & there are countless animals out there in Randfontein & Westonaria who are suffering & need our help. This would impact on ALL communties.   

    Breeding (of whatever kind) plus failure to sterilise pets has led to this over-population, with more & more people “getting rid of” their unwanted pets.   Emotions have risen over the bodies of pets. Very few crematoria/incinerators exist in our country – and please bear in mind that animals cannot be cremated in the same facility as humans. Crematoria are expensive to build & run.  The whole issue is emotive & sensitive. To give perspective, indeed in a perfect world, each SPCA  would have an incinerator & crematorium to honour the memory of each animal who may have died for many reasons, not necessarily through euthanasia.  BUT we are struggling to survive financially. The SPCA is affected by the current economic situation & our hard earned “reserves” are needed for the future to assist LIVING suffering animals.    

    How any thinking person can believe that we at the SPCA can have any control over how people decide to dispose of their unwanted animals, I don’t know? You can be assured that deeds like this are not done in broad daylight with all the neighbours looking on. Is there anybody out there who can give us a solution as to how to police this? Lets try & get the correct facts about this carcass scandal & not be so quick to pass the buck. This is a sad reality, a tradgic situation for which the SPCA is not responsible, IRRESPONSIBLE members of the public are to blame.    

    Sanet die skuld le’ by die eienaars van die diere.  Ek kan U verseker ons doen nie net “kastig iets” as ons dink ‘n dier ly honger nie. Wat baie van die publiek nie besef nie, is dat petrol, salarise, telefoon, kantoor toerusting, onderhoud van bakkies wat uitmekaar val want die DBV (Diere Beskermings Vereening) – (diere wat nie meer lewe nie, het nie meer nodig om van mense te beskerm te word nie) kan nie bekostig om ‘n nuwe een te koop nie. Die salarise wat die betaalde personeel bedien is belemmerend, met baie hulp van vrywilliger werkers.   Charmaine, we are not useless, we invite you to spend a day in the life of our SPCA, come & have a look at our admission book, I think you will be shocked to see how many animals we admit to our kennels every month. Come & see just how much support we do get from the public and how much condemnation.  We at the SPCA respectfully ask you to make sure that all your pets are sterilised, vaccinated annually, dewormed, treated monthly for ticks & fleas & when they get old & at the end of their lives that you take them to a Vet to have them humanely euthanised & their body taken to the animal crematorium to be cremated.   
    Lucy Phillips

  4. The SPCA in our country is doing a great job, notwithstanding the limited funds they have at thier disposal. It appears much easier to lay blame than it is to get involved. Everyone that loves animals have a role to play in protecting innocent animal life. Sanet and Charmaine, with all respect, have you done your bit for animal welfare? The SPCA are always looking for assistance – possibly you could volunteer?

  5. Lucy Phillips (SPCA Randfontein)

    I left Randfontein about 20 years ago, having relocated to Cape Town. I am certainly aware of the excellent work that the SPCA Randfontein did back then, and continue to do nationally, notwithstanding limited funding and resources.

    Please keep up the good work. You are all special people!

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