
Depression – the unseen killer

"There are 23 completed suicides in SA, a further 230 attempted suicides every 24 hours."

The South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG) is saddened and shocked by the recent news of the death of comedian and actor Robin Williams by alleged suicide.

He always looked so happy, he always had a smile on his face, and how could he have been so down that he thought suicide was the only solution for him? Depression can affect anyone, it doesn’t discriminate against race, age, or gender.

South African based comedian Mel Miller is saddened by the recent death of Williams and says that “Depression is the unseen killer. If you had measles or diabetes you would know and see it and would do something about it. If you had a headache you would take a pill, why don’t we do the same if we are feeling depressed.”

He is also at a loss why men in particular don’t talk about their feelings and says that “we need to dispel the cowboys don’t cry attitude” if you are feeling down or depressed, ‘Get help, seek a professional, they can help you”.

“SADAG receives calls, emails and texts daily from people who are considering taking their own lives” says Zane Wilson, Founder SADAG.

There are 23 completed suicides in South Africa, and a further 230 attempted suicides every 24 hours.

If you know of someone who may be at risk of being suicidal or who is feeling depressed, or if you need help, please call our suicide crisis helpline on 0800 567 567 or 0800 70 80 90 and speak to a counsellor, they can help you.

A few warning signs of suicide to look out for are:

· Talking or joking about suicide

· Depression

· Preparing for death or writing goodbye notes

· Giving away prized possessions

· Changes in personality

· Drastic changes in sleeping and eating habits

· Loss of interest in appearance

How to help a loved one: 

· A person who is suicidal needs to know you care. Listen to them. Ask questions. Help them discuss their feelings.

· Learn all you can about depression.

· You might be your loved one’s only source of information. Let them know you care. Remind them that they shouldn’t feel ashamed or guilty. Avoid telling them things like “Snap out of it”. Let them know their feelings are caused by an illness that can be treated.

· Invite them out. Realise they might not want to go at first. If they say no, ask them again later or offer to stay in and spend time with them.

· If you are worried they might be suicidal, ask them about it and help them get help. A straightforward, caring question about suicide will not cause someone to start having suicidal thoughts. If they are thinking of suicide, don’t promise secrecy. Tell someone you trust immediately.

· Talk to the person about attending a support group meeting if there is one in their area. It can help them to learn that they’re not alone.

· Make sure they do not have access to things that can cause injury, like knives, guns, alcohol or drugs.

· Do not take responsibility for making your friend or family member well. You are not a therapist.

· If the person is in immediate danger, take the person to a hospital, casualty or to a clinic.

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