EPR officer arrested, fined R1 000

Women's month roadblock turns ugly as EPR reaction officer allegedly resists arrest.

An EPR Reaction Officer was arrested and issued a hefty R1 000 fine for allegedly resisting arrest by local traffic police earlier today.

The EPR reaction officer, known to the herald, found himself on the wrong side of the law this morning after allegedly avoiding a Women’s Month Roadblock initiated by Randfontein’s female traffic officers near the Spur in Greenhills.

As the officer made a- U-turn, traffic police then gave chase where things got heated up at the Sasol garage on Kenneth Road.

“The man spotted us conducting our road block and decided to make a U-turn. We became suspicious of this and decided to follow him and gave chase,” Randfontein’s traffic officer Mapule Leeuw said.

“We fortunately managed to stop him at the petrol station in question and that’s when the man decided to give us a tough time. It turns out that he also did not have his driver’s license in his possession.”

According to Leeuw, “While trying to issue him with a fine for this, the EPR officer got rowdy and even threatened them. This then prompted his arrest. This man really is no stranger to the law. Just two weeks ago, we caught him driving without an authorized number plate and we fined him for this.

“His number plate did not correspond with his license disc so we had to confiscate it and now he is driving without a driver’s license and tried to intimidate us. We as female officers will not be intimidated by such behaviour from any man and we will continue doing our job,” says Leeuw who also added that the man was slapped with a R1 000 fine.

Both cars referred to in the article are said not to be those of EPR.

Meanwhile, upon the herald’s arrival on scene a journalist attempted to approach the officer for comment but he refused.


EPR officer denies being in the wrong

EPR responds to incident

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