Woman, 22, overcomes obstacles to achieve success

Local receptionist an example of beating the odds and making a success regardless of the problems she had to face.

The cheerful receptionist at Carryou Ministry’s offices in Randfontein, Theolien Olien (22) is a young woman on a mission and dedicated to bringing a change in the community.

Despite major financial obstacles, she scrimped and saved so she could self-finance and complete her N6 studies as well as the theory components of a three-year Human Resources diploma.

“I finished matric in 2009 and then applied to North West University to study towards a degree in education,” says Olien.

“However, my school results weren’t good enough and I was not accepted. I am very much a people person, so my second choice was to study Human Relations at Western College in Randfontein.”

Finding the money to pay for her studies was a constant struggle, although she was given a kick-start by the National Student Financial Aid Scheme.

“Many times I thought I wouldn’t be able to continue,” says Olien, “but somehow, despite the obstacles, I managed to keep going.

“In 2011 the National Youth Service placed me in a government learnership programme with Carryou Ministry and I worked at the Toekomsrus Drop-in Centre.

“Later, I was accepted officially as part of the government’s Extended Public Works Programme (EPWP),” she says.

“With the monthly stipend I received and the constant encouragement from the people at Carryou, I kept on studying. I’ve completed the theory component of the three-year diploma but now need to find an 18-month internship where I can do the practicals.”

Olien’s immediate goal is to find a company that will offer her an internship and then to do a university degree. In the long term she would like to work as a human resources manager in a large corporation.

On weekends Olien spends most of her time with her family and is involved in fund-raising efforts with her church.

“I guess what I am most proud of is the fact that I am the first person in our household to get a matric and a tertiary qualification,” she says.

“My brothers pushed and encouraged me to do so and now, my achievements have inspired them to strive for the same.”

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