Prosecutor urges pupils to refrain from crime

"Theft, assault and drug dealing perpetuated by the youth in town." — local prosecutor.

Pupils from Randfontein High School have been warned not to engage in any criminal activities as this can have dire consequences in the near future.

This was said during a presentation by Mzolisa Madolo, a prosecutor of the Randfontein Magistrates’ Court who visited the school on 29 July with his colleague Jessica Mabena as part of their crime-awareness programme. According to him, crime does not pay and never will, irrespective of one’s age.

“Cases I deal with it in court made me realise that many young people think they are immune to the law because they are under the age of 18, but that is not the case. I often come across cases of drug dealing, shoplifting as well as assault and these are some of the prominent crimes perpetuated by the youth here in Randfontein.

“While it might seem cool to do these things from time to time and for different reasons, you ought to keep in mind that the long arm of the law will catch up with you and deal with you effectively,” says Mandolo.

He adds that he still comes across people who are suffering because of the crimes they committed in high school 10 years ago and cannot get jobs because of this.

“What may seem like a small crime to you may cause you severe distress later in your life. Therefore, it is important that you take note of this information and refrain while you can,” says Mandolo. 

He explains that in most cases children under the age of 18 are recruited by seasoned criminals to do their dirty work, believing they will not get arrested because they are young.

According to him, this is rubbish and says the Child Justice Act deals with young perpetrators. He adds that first offenders under the age of 18 often are sent to attend a diversion programme.

Should they become second-time offenders, they will be sent to a juvenile prison where they will be detained. Those who are on the wrong side of the law for the third time will be sent to correctional services, irrespective of their age. 

Madolo also says they have visited numerous schools in Mohlakeng and will go to other schools in Toekomsrus as well.

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