Harmony staff reaches out to daycare centre

Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited refurbish Rainbow Daycare Centre as part of their 67 minutes.

Employees of Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited recently visited Rainbow Daycare to paint the buildings and make it more child friendly.

According to a representative of the company, Merinda Underhay, “This was an initiative of the management of the Harmony Supply Chain. We decided to come and shape up the look of the Rainbow Daycare Centre by painting and decorating the classrooms, and making the centre more child friendly.”

She further explains that all the supply-chain staff made financial donations to make this project a reality.

Underhay and the rest of the Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited team visited Rainbow Daycare Centre on 25 July to complete this project.

“Although we executed the project only on 25 July, it was part of Harmony’s Madiba Day celebrations,” says Underhay.

According to the project manager at the centre, Tatum Solomons, this was a much-needed revamp and surely will go a long way.

“I cannot thank Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited enough for this generous donation. Your help means the world to the centre,” says Solomons.

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