RPA wishes Uncle Harry’s a happy 40th birthday

Famous Roadhouse and Randfontein Publicity Association celebrate 40 years of business.

Since Uncle Harry’s Roadhouse celebrated its 40th anniversary this year, the Randfontein Publicity Association (RPA) paid a surprise visit to this local business giant on 14 July to congratulate the owners.

According to the publicity officer of the RPA, Joy Hamann, it is really an accomplishment for a local business to still be part of the community after 40 years.

To celebrate this milestone Roy Harris, Marcelle Mans and Hamann from the RPA visited Uncle Harry’s Roadhouse on Monday (14 July) to hand over a gift to the owners of Uncle Harry’s, Jimmy and Jean Pappas.

“We visited Jimmy and Jean on 14 July because they first opened their doors as a local business on 14 July 1974,” says Hamann.

“The RPA wants to congratulate the owners of Uncle Harry’s on this milestone and wish them all the best for years to come.”

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