Municipal workers to have their salaries deducted

All municipal workers in Randofontein will lead by example as they will have their salaries deducted to honour their municipal accounts. This will only apply to those who reside in Randfonten.

The Randfontein Local Municipality has embarked on a vigorous plan to have people pay for their municipal accounts and has decided to start with all municipal workers in order to have them lead by example.

According to Randfontein Local Municipality head of communications Phillip Montshiwa, all municipal workers will have arrears indicated in their municipal accounts deducted from their salaries every month to ensure that that they do not skip any payments.

However, this will only be subjected to municipal workers who reside in Randfontein and its surrounds including ward councilors.

According to Montshiwa, this is to encourage local residents to also pay their rates and taxes and will show that no one is above the law.

“No one is exception to the rule here in Randfontein regardless of your title in council.

“All our municipal workers will honour their municipal accounts on a monthly basis and we will ensure this through this system,” says Montshiwa

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