Illegal dumping a pain for local residents

Used nappies, rubble and all sorts of rubbish can be found at the illegal dumping site in question.

Illegal dumping is still a problem and an eyesore for residents of Randfontein.

This was seen during the Herald’s latest visit to the infamous illegal dumping site near the cemetery road (North Way) in Greenhills.

According to local resident Sonya Oosthuyzen, illegal dumping at the place is getting out of hand.

“We have read numerous articles in the Herald about this particular place and quite frankly, it is getting worse rather than better.

“We still see heaps of rubbish when passing by and it is disgusting to say the least.

“This ranges from used nappies, to rubble and all sorts of rubbish.

“One would think that something would have been done by now,” says Ooshuyzen.

She adds that this has become a huge health hazard for residents in the nearby neighbourhood and says that it is also attracting vagrants to the area.

The Herald has since spoken to Phillip Montshiwa from the Randfontein Local Municipality who says that there are measures put in place to combat illegal dumping throughout Randfontein.

“People need to understand that illegal dumping is a criminal act and once caught doing this, people will be fined by the municipality.

“However, in order for us to enforce bylaws, we need the community to engage with us and be our watchdogs.

“We want them to report those who are doing this and it is only then can we have a leg to stand on and act accordingly,” says Montshiwa.

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