Municipality ignores illegal dumping

Residents have taken matters into their own hands and tried cleaning up the veld but the problem still persists.

Illegal dumping is still a problem for residents of Randfontein, particularly those residing in Randgate.

This was evident during a site visit by the herald to an open veld in the are which has turned into a rubbish dump for people of the area and its surrounds.

According to concerned resident Yolandi Kuhn, other residents are disgusted by this as well and have reported the matter to the municipality but to date no one has attended to the matter.

“We are sick and tired of begging the municipality to do things for us.

“We have reported this problem some time ago and no one from their side has lifted a finger.

“What are we paying taxes for if our useless municipality is just not going to deliver the services?

“This place is disgusting and we cannot continue living like this,” says Kuhn.

She adds that owing to the municipality’s delay, some residents have taken matters into their own hands and have had their garden services maintain a portion of the veld adjacent to their houses,

“To be quite honest, people are doing this because they can see that despite the municipality’s big talk, they simply do not implement bylaw enforcement where illegal dumping is concerned.

“They know that they can do as they please in Randfontein,” says Kuhn.

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