Pada’s anti-drug campaign a success

Parents against drug abuse holds an information day in Toekomsrus.

Parents Against Drug Abuse (PADA) hosted another successful anti-drug campaign this past Saturday (17 May) at the Toekomsrus Community Hall.

This was a continuation of their fight against the use of illegal substances within their community.

Dereleene James who wrote a moving letter to President Jacob Zuma highlighting the problem of drugs in Elderado Park was also present at the event.

She spoke of how drugs affected her family owing to her son who was a drug addict.

Another speaker Vanessa Goosen, told how she spent 15 years in a Thai prison after she was arrested for smuggling drugs – an allegation she denies.

According to her she was asked to bring some engineering books back to South Africa from Thailand, not knowing that there was heroin hidden in the books.

“When I got arrested I was pregnant with my child.

“I was sentenced to death, but my sentence was commuted to life behind bars.

“Clearly I was devastated by this. I never thought that this would happen to me,” says Goosen who adds that she was released on 30 October 2010.

She gave birth to her daughter in jail. The child was then sent to South Africa to be raised by her best friend.

“What I went through was terrible.

“Since my return to South Africa I have used every available opportunity to speak to people about the dangers of drugs.”

Around 100 people attended the event and according to organisers, they are happy that they were ably to convey their message to the people of Toekomsrus.

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