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Local resident gives back

She treated 40 underprivileged children to lunch on her 40th birthday and later took them to church.

Local resident and mother of two, Noleen Flowers hosted 40 underprivileged children at her home in Toekomsrus for her 40th birthday party and treated them to lunch and other activities.

This was on 11 May and was also in celebration of Mother’s Day.

According to her, local residents also attended the party and helped donate clothes to some of the children.

“I identified some of the needy children as I drove through the streets of Toekomsrus on numerous occasions and always wanted to do something special for them.

“I then asked local schools to do their bit in assisting me by identifying the children that would appreciate this the most and I ran with that.

“I decided to cook for them and have them celebrate my birthday with me at my home,” says Flowers

“What I have come to realize as a person who loves children is that it’s the little things that count the most.

“This may not mean much to others but it really meant a lot to me and I’m sure the children also had a nice time.

“I just wanted to help out where I could,” says Flowers.

She adds that after the celebrations, she took the children to church and later returned them home.

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One Comment

  1. That was a wonderful gesture,May U be bless abundantly Mrs Flowers!!Very inspiring,I thing something like that could bring so much joy in da hearts of the elderly,If they can also be treated,Wow,I’m impress!Well done!

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