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Local franchise wins national award

Randfontein Steers proves they are the top Drive Through in the country for the third year running.

Randfontein Drive Thru Steers showed that they are on top of their game by winning the award for the best Steers Drive Through for the third year running.

According to the Regional Manager of the Steers franchise Ruan Croukamp, the Randfontein team did extremely well during the past year and have improved very much.

“I am proud of these staff members for pulling out all the stops and yet again, ensuring us of the award for the best drive through Steers in South Africa,” says Ruan.

He adds that every participating Steers was scored in various categories.

These categories include the quality of the product, service to the client, attitude towards the client, and the time it takes to deliver the product to the client.

“Winning this award for the third consecutive year just proves that we have a truly remarkable team in Randfontein,” says Ruan.

Aside form the award for the best drive through, the Randfontein franchise also walked away with the service in excellence award.

“Although we have won the drive through award twice before, this is the first time that we were able to bag the service in excellence award,” says Ruan.

He adds that the Randfontein team will strive to win these awards again during the 2014 campaign.

“I just want to thank every staff member for their dedication and hard work.

“Without you, this would never have been possible.”

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One Comment

  1. I wouldn’t eat a Randfontein Steers burger. The burger are tiny and the patty tastes off. I can’t see how they won it again.

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