Elections 2014News

Gauteng Premier denies “dirty votes” comment

Gauteng Premier Nomvula Mokonyane says that she never swore at Bekkersdal residents and told them to keep their dirty votes. However, she has apologized nontheless.

Gauteng premier Nomvula Mokonyane has decided to stick to her guns and has maintained that despite media reports, she never swore at Bekkersdal residents telling them that they can keep their dirty votes.

“Irrespective of people claiming that I said those things and without proof, I apologised,”

“What I’m heartened with is that people of Bekkersdal have decided to put the ANC above everything else and we have seen that with their votes,” says Mokonyane.

This was said at the ANC victory celebration in Johannesburg.

This comes in the backdrop of Mokonyane being banned from the township following clashes with residents in the area during the string of violence in the area.

According to Greater Westonaria Concerned Residents Association spokesperson Thabang Wesi, Bekkersdal residents will not accept any apology from Mokonyane especially through the media.

“It is really ridiculous that Mokonyane wants to apologise through the media at this point in time.

“What is sad is that we no longer want her apology becaue its not necessary anymore.

“We feel that it is too late now and the damage is done,” says Wesi who adds that Mokonyane has already collected their dirty votes under the barrel of a gun after having residents vote under heavy police presence on 7 May.

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