Be part of the RPA Knit-A-Thon

Members of the community can now enjoy a great day of knitting and giving just by taking part in the RPA Knit-A-Thon.

The Randfontein Publicity Association’s (RPA) Winter Charity Drive will culminate on Wednesday, 4 June with the clackety-clack of needles during a 12-hour knit-a-thon.

“One of our members, Magriet van der Hoven from Elite Needle Craft suggested we get a bunch of people together to help knit scarves and caps for our Winter Charity Drive,” says Joy Hamann, RPA Publicity Officer.

“We really liked the idea and decided on a 12-hour knit-a-thon that will take place in the Randfontein Rugby Club Hall at Greenhills Sports Stadium from 8am to 8pm on Wednesday, 4 June.”

Members of the public are also welcome to donate wool, knitting needles and/or knitting looms to make the task a lot easier.

Donations can be delivered to the RPA office at the Greenhills Sports Stadium.

Cash donations are also welcome.

“The Knit-a-thon is open to all ages, genders and races and even if people can only knit for an hour or two, they are more than welcome,” says Joy.

“Participants are requested to bring their own wool and needles/looms if they are able to.

“We are also going to invite old age homes from Mohlakeng, Toekomsrus and Randfontein to make arrangements so that some of their residents can attend the event for a couple of hours and assist with the knitting.”

The RPA will be providing tea and coffee and snacks for all participants and appeal to the community to assist with the sponsorship of snacks, biscuits, tea and coffee.

“We will also be having a couple of lucky draws and a big hamper for the person who knits the most items during the 12-hour event,” says Joy.

For more information, contact the RPA Offices on 011 412 2878/ 1562 or via email at

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