Elections 2014Local newsNews

Residents fight over ANC t-shirts

ANC supporters gathering to collect their ANC regalia at the local ANC headquarters were not happy when their was not enough T-shirts for everyone.

Randfontein — A fight broke out at the ANC headquarters in Randfontein (Saul Msane House) in Porges Street when there apparently was not enough ANC T-shirts for all the ANC supporters present.

More than 100 ANC supporters gathered at the local ANC headquarters on the eve of the national elections which took place on 7 May during a hand out of the party’s campaign material.

The Herald spoke to a few residents in the long queue’s to hear their take on the elections and according to local resident Glenrose Vilakati, this year’s elections indicate interesting dynamics in politics.

While some supporters were more than happy to receive their ANC T-shirts, others were upset.

“I for one feel that it is great that they are giving us T-shirts but this does not buy my vote,” says one of the gathered supporters.

“I am sure I speak for many others when I say that we want more than t-shirts.

We want houses, we want services and we want Jobs.”

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One Comment

  1. The proper mixture of Black consciousness,(we need to remain concious of our being as black people) and Pan Africanism,(we need a united Africa,moving our continent foward), with Communism,(we need tools of analysis of our political economy), is a sure way to advance transformation in this country of ours, commitment to fight against imperialism,(we dont need capitalism at this level of its brutality), results of which become Socialism( A balanced state toward egalitarianism of our society)..The political pride, and earnest love for power without hard work is the enemy of that promising mixture….AZAPO and PAC should join SACP to influence ANC from within….to guard against populist EFF that coumaflouge as politicaly radical movement, whilst we know theirs is anger against ANC for disciplinary reasons(ill discipline) and for declaring in the Freedom Charter that this land belongs to all who live in it and further assured in the Constitution of the Republic that we are all equal and non racism as pillar of our democracy…EFF hates white South Africans period, and shall the liberation movements fail to notice that and take principled action to defend the gains of our democracy, they should know that history will judge the current generation harshly….ANC is broad church that is always willing to engage every person or party that has interest and commitment of better life for all South Africans at heart, that could be achieved through concerted efforts, and qualitative zeal to transform our country,into a prosperous and growing economy that is able to absorb all its citizens. That would be a great show of commitment into fight against poverty of the soul,poverty of the mind and poverty of the stomach, and bring a more humane face in our country….ANC’s resounding victory in the recent 2014 elections to me as a general voter, spells a future protected, a future bright for our nation a developmental agenda assured…I therefore congratulate all South Africans who participated peacefuly in National and Provincial elections and especially to those who ensured to mandate ANC to continue with implementation of the National Democratic Revolution agenda, there is no new revolution,except NDR by Mass democratic movement, as led and being exercised by ANC and her alliance partners.

    Viva ANC Viva!!!

    I write this on my personal capacity.

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