Anonymous help for troubled teens

Teenagers in need of counseling can now make use of the Mxit based counseling service, MobieG, that dedicates their work to giving those in need a place to voice their problems.

In today’s day and age, people are frequently confronted with various forms of abuse and rarely have a place to turn for help, guidance and counselling.

That is why MobieG dedicates their work to help these people via Mxit.

According to MobieG executive director Stephnie Crouse, this company is a non-profit company that provides a free text-based counselling service on Mxit for young people.

MobieG has been operational since July 2010 and has counseled more than 43 000 young people since inception.

The kind of problems MobieG tends to are abuse, teenage pregnancy, abortion, homosexuality, relationship problems, bullying, addiction, pornography, divorce, paternity, depression, STD’s, low self-esteem, suicide, grief, dating guidance and even help with homework.

According to local counselor, Jan Jacobs, MobieG is trying to combat the silence that often surrounds abuse.

“This is a great way for today’s youth to get the help they need.

“Sometimes, teenagers need help but cannot get to someone for the needed attention as they are too shy or afraid.

“But when using MobieG, they can be at home, in their rooms and still get expert advice and the help they need,” says Jan.

“It is also a good tool for teenagers who wish to stay anonymous.

“This is an attractive feature for young people who are shy to talk about problems.”

All facilitators at MobieG are experts in their respective fields and are trained in text-based counseling.

Their main focus is helping people between the ages of 10 and 35 years, but do refer about 30 per cent of their clients for more specialized help, for example to state clinics, hospitals, the SAPS and therapists.

This service is free and is based on social media and text messaging, therefore it is a preferred method of communication by the youth.

If you want to make use of this great tool, simply download Mxit on your cell-phone at, go to the Mxit Apps once you are signed up, search the MobieG app and add the app.

You can then open the MobieG app and select the service you want: information, quizzes or chatline.

MobieG is online from Mondays to Thursdays from 7pm until 9.30pm and on Sundays from 9pm until 11pm.

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