
Dog falls into open manhole

The municipality has been aware of this problem for some time and just like any other complaint, they ignored it.

A dog fell into an open manhole at the corner of Kenneth Road and Tinus de Jongh Street in Greenhills on 1 April.

The incident caused a stir among local residents who say that they have reported the missing manhole cover to the Randfontein Local Municipality weeks ago.

One resident who wishes to remain anonymous says that to date, nothing has been done to fix the problem.

“I hate to say this but the municipality has been aware of this problem for some time and just like any other complaint – that did not emanate from Mohlakeng – they ignored it

“It’s really unfortunate that things had to get to this and that the poor dog had to fall inside that manhole.”

“The next time an incident of this nature occurs, it might be someone’s child who falls inside the manhole and not a dog.”

The Herald has contacted municipal spokesperson Lucky Chiya who says that municipal workers will be sent out to the site to investigate.

Meanwhile, the Randfontein SPCA was contacted and the dog was rescued, a bit shaken but otherwise unharmed from the manhole,

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