Thebenare’s State of the Town ridiculed

Opposition parties tear into Thebenare for ignoring the real issues in Randfontein.

Leaders from opposition political parties have come forward to slam the State of Town Address as delivered by the Randfontein Local Municipality Mayor Sylvia Thebenare on 18 March at the Mohlakeng Stadium, saying that nothing new was brought to the table.

This is according to West Rand Cope Leader Solly May, the Mayor is trying to pull wool over they eyes of the community with figures of achievements that sound too good to be true.

According May, Cope could not sit and listen to lies about service delivery that is stagnant.

“The Mayor’s address was just more of the same thing we hear over and over again.

“She cannot stop speaking about the apparent achievements of the ANC-run Randfontein Local Municipality, but she neglects to come clean about the corruption, maladministration, incapability of the people in her office and the lack of interest in maintaining Randfontein’s roads and infrastructure.

“She should be ashamed to announce that in 20 years, they have done so little for the people of Randfontein.

“If anything, the ANC is a self-praising party and they continue to undermine the people.

“The fact of the matter is that we are still battling with potholes, bad debt collection, lack of job opportunities and an endless stream of other problems that are simply being ignored by the Randfontein Local Municipality.

The Herald also spoke to Randfontein DA leader Brian Blake to hear his take on the address and according to him, Randfontein is not growing at this stage but rather dying

“The Mayor made mention of the unemployment figures going down but I do not believe this.

“It is plain to see if one looks at the amount of Randfontein residents that are claiming unemployment grants, that there has been change, but not for the better.

“The problem is that you cannot continue to build houses for people without providing meaningful employment.

“The emphasis of the government should be in providing the necessary means for people to acquire jobs.

“That is the only way we can tackle unemployment and the social ills associated with it,” says Blake.

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