Shoplifter gets a shock

The man received a very stiff sentence after he tried to steal from a local shop.

A man has been sentenced to two years behind bars for stealing items worth R51.98 from the Shoprite outlet at the Station Mall in the Randfontein CBD.

The man was denied the possibility of a fine or of a suspended sentence.
Vincent van Rensburg was was caught stealing on 1 February and judgement was handed down at the Randfontein Magistrates’ Court on 14 March.

According to Randfontein SAPS spokesperson Captain Appel Ernst, the investigating officer, Warrant Officer Karlien Coombe, found during her investigation that van Rensburg is not a first time offender.

“This fact was taken into consideration by the court when handing down sentence,” says Ernst.

“We hope that this sentence serves as a deterrent to shoplifters who may think that stealing something small is not all that serious.

“Theft is theft, no matter what you steal. The value of the stolen items do not have any influence on the sentence.”

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