
Chaos at Greenhills cemetery

Residents visitng the Greenhills Cemetery can expect to navigate their way through tall grass and rubbish.

The Greenhills cemetery apparently is in shambles once again and has now turned into an illegal dumping site where local residents have been spotted dumping their rubbish in black refuse bags.

This comes from a previous Randfontein resident Cindy Kritzinger who was at the cemetery on 16 March to visit her late father’s grave and was surprised to spot men driving into the cemetery only to dump bags of rubbish into a skip on the premises.

“It is disgusting to see local residents dumping their rubbish at a place where dead people are resting.

“However, what is more disturbing is the fact that the municipality has abondoned the cemetery.

“This is evident in the grass that is standing taller than the graves themselves and I strongly believe that somebody needs to do something about this,” says Kritzinger who adds that finding her father’s grave was a mission on the day.

The Herald has contacted municipal spokesperson Lucky Chiya who says that he will contact the relevant department responsible for the parks and cemeteries in Randfontein and will revert back with comment at a later stage.

Meanwhile, residents who wish to visit their loved ones will have no choice but to navigate their way through the tall grass and rubbish.

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  1. Talk about cemetaries that has been left unmanaged since before the December 2013 close. Westonaria cemetary is also looking like it’s abandoned. Unless you know where exactly the grave is, you have to go bundu bashing through the tall grass to get to your loved ones. No grass has been cut, no cement paths have been completed so you have to wait to put up a memorial stone! That is plain disgusting. What are the workers getting paid for? To lay on the pavements and catch up on sleep. Do something, please!!!

  2. The municipality is not delivering any service.Fire them all and give the work to people that want to work.

  3. Dit is om van siek te word. Veral as jy deur verskillende dorpe ry en jy sien hoe mooi (daardie) begrafplaas is en jy weet in jou hart hoelyk jou dorp sin. Wat ek nie kan verstaan nie in die ou begrafplaas aan die regterkant sien ek partykeer 10 tot 15 munisipale werkers werk op een graf met hulle oranje oorpakke aan, maar die afdeling wat veronderstel is om die tuin te wees lyk soos ‘n ashoop. Hoekom werk daar NOOIT van daardie werkwers nie aan die anderkant nie? Wie is hulle dan????

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