
Rain and potholes: chaos on Randfontein roads

Residents are calling for the Randfontein Local Municipality to resurface the roads instead of patching them with "cheap" material.

Motorists in Randfontein face another gruelling day on the roads with persistent rain worsening the already terrible conditions on local roads.

Despite the apparent repairs to most of the potholes in Randfontein, the woes of residents and motorists where the condition of roads are concerned are far from being over because potholes are seemingly reappearing shortly after they have been fixed.

This can be seen on Condor Road towards Finsbury, Lazaar Road in Randgate and nearly the entire Aureus to name but a few areas in Randfontein where motorists and residents have aired their dissatisfaction with the repairs done by the Randfontein Local Municipality.

The took a drive down to most of the affected areas and can testify to the fact that the problem is worse than it was and the potholes are growing bigger and deeper.

According to one of the motorists who was driving on Condor Road during the Herald’s inspection on 4 March, the potholes are a persistant problem in Randfontein with no proper solution.

“Just when we thought our troubles were over with regards to potholes, we find that they are reappearing once again.

“In a day alone, I spotted two motorists who had punctured tyres owing to the massive ditches here.

“We are rate paying citizens and we need to see service delivery happen,” says the woman

“What we need is for these roads to be completely resurfaced and not merely filled.

“I personally have not seen potholes reappear two weeks after they have been fixed.

“This goes to show that we are being cheated here,” says the woman.

The Herald contacted municipal spokesperson Lucky Chiya previously who said that it would cost millions for the municipality to resurface the roads in Randfontein and said that the patching of potholes was an immediate mechanism in order to avert the problem that residents are faced with.

“We are really trying our best to fix the roads throughout town and this cannot be done simutaneously.

“We have a schedule that we are following in order of importance and if the weather is favourable, we should be done with the repairs by the end of April,” says Chiya.

On the issue of proper material being used, Chiya says that he will have to contact the relevant department and revert back with comment at a later stage.

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  1. In verband met die potholes
    Dit kos meer en meer geld om net kort kort gate toe te maak en ja dit kos baie om die hele pad oor te doen maar doen dit eenkeer en kry klaar die kort kort gate toe maak werk nie dit kos meer op die einde van die dag

  2. The condor road going towards finsbury (robot by lafarge) was being repaired not less than n 2weeks ago and they haven’t fixed all the potholes. Since the rain started the road is in a worse condition before they started. People who has to use that road to work and back home will all say the same. We have the best dirt roads in SA if it wasn’t for the pieces of thar between it. Rather do a descent job the first time than having to do it over and over, that is why they don’t have the budget… I don’t know how they work their budget but we all pay tax and all kinds of levies to ensure that Randfontein to be maintained. Maybe they should start paying the goverment employees less and use our tax money for the right things.

  3. The potholes and general state of our roads are attrosious. We just returned from Cape Town and surrounding areas (Western Cape area) and did not encounter 1 pothole in the entire area!!! How do they get it right but here nothing is done?? And who is just getting bigger bonusses and increases!!

  4. If our local authorities are not prepared to render services(we pay for it anyway)why do we not start witholding certain levies and taxes forcing them to act.
    How many other residents are not receiving their monthly accounts? I even have trouble getting them to e mail me a statement – it takes a number of calls and mails to get response (if they bother to answer the phones). I always pay by the first of the month and pay more than I should.
    I have been in Randfontein since 1996 and one is now embarrased to invite family to visit GATFONTEIN. Residents having damage done to vehicles due to poor roads should come together and take the Council to court

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