
Weapons found in Randfontein school raid

Approximately ten pupils at Phahama High School in Mohlakeg were found in possesion of knives and other dangerous weapons.

A bullet, a panga, knives, a steel pipe and even an axe was found in the possession of pupils from Phahama High School in Mohlakeng on 21 February.

This was during a school search operation initiated by Randfontein SAPS and the Department of Public Saftey within the West Rand District Municipality.

According to the MMC for the Department of Public Safety Buyiswa Xulu, the situation at the school is tense and criminal activities are happening among pupils of the school.

“We are still facing challenges of gangsterism, substance abuse and the carrying of dangerous weapons in schools and it is evident in all the items we found today.

“It goes without saying that the problem is bigger than it seems in the West Rand Schools.

According to Xulu, the principal of the school has said that the situation at the school is so bad that teachers and some pupils at the school do not feel safe.

She adds the instruments were found among pupils in Grade 8.

“Our pupils must know that such things do not have a place in our schools.

“As a department, we will be intensifying our school searches and we will be conducting them on a regular basis.

“People must rest assured that those who are found to have illegal substances and dangerous weapons in schools will face the full might of the law,” says Xulu.

She adds that this is in effort to help bring down the number of violent and criminal activities in schools.

“I always say that prevention is better than the cure hence we decided to initiate this programme,” says Xulu.

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