
Beware of this notorious ATM

Yet another customer falls prey to robbers at a notorious FNB ATM.

Randfontein Herald receptionist Bella Motlashuping has become yet another victim of crime after two men robbed her of her bank card at a Greenhills ATM and later withdrew R2 400 from it.

The incident occurred on 26 February at the notorious FNB ATM at the Greenhills Circle.

This specific ATM has been the scene of many similar crimes in recent years.

According to Motlashuping, she stopped at the ATM just before 8 am to draw money before going to work.

“While trying to make the transaction at the ATM, a man suddenly appeared next to me and claimed that he had forgetten his receipt at the ATM.

“I saw the man at the nearby Nedbank ATM when I arrived to draw money, but took no notice.

“I allowed him to retrieve his receipt and only later discovered that he had somehow gotten hold of my ATM card.

“He also must have seen when I punched in my pin number, although I did not notice him looking over my shoulder.”

According to Motlashuping, she tried in vain to contact the bank to get the card blocked.

“I called the customer care number while still standing in front of the ATM, but I could not get through.

“I then rushed to the office thinking I was going to call from there, but when I arrived at the office, I received an sms notification indicating that R2 400 had just been withdrawn from my account,” says Motlashuping.

The suspect fled from the scene and jumped into a grey Audi A3 driven by an accomplice.

The car sped away in the direction of the CBD.

The case has been reported to the Randfontein SAPS and is currently under investigation.

Meanwhile, Randfontein SAPS spokesperson Captain Appel Ernst urges people not to fall victim to such scams and says that people need to be careful around ATM’s all the time, even in malls.

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One Comment

  1. That is so bad how criminals have done to the sister. I hope the police find them and confiscate that Audi used for scamming and theft. damn you criminals.

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