Westonaria CBD a pigsty

Business owners and residents alike claim that the rubbish bin in question is never emptied.

Businesses in the Westonaria CBD are up in arms over the Westonaria Local Municipality’s apparent inability to clean the town.

Legal firm, Truter Crous, Wiggil and Vos Attorneys director Sieg Kruger, says that he has personally written to the municipality on numerous occasions complaining about an overfull rubbish bin on Briggs Street, but to no avail.

“I have even had a conversation with the mayor with regards to this problem, but my complaints have fallen on deaf ears.

“This is an eye sore for most of us and I need not mention how much of a health risk this is.

“We are made to pay rates and taxes but we do not receive the services that we pay for,” says Kruger.

He adds that to make matters worse, piles of rubbish gets strewn all over the place and later burnt next to an electrical power station in town which also holds a huge safety risk.

The Herald has contacted municipal spokesperson Kgabane Madiehe who was critical of Kruger’s complaint, saying that people need to follow the correct procedures when reporting matters before running to the media.

Madiehe did not comment on the fact that Kruger had repeatedly lodged complaints.

“We are in the process of cleaning up the area in question.”

Madiehe adds that people need to contact the municipality’s complaints department on 011 278 3169 before running to the media.

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