Local college under investigation for alleged matric cheating

The principal is accused of having instructed the teachers to help pupils answer their matric examination papers.

Rand View College situated on Main Road in the Randfontein CBD is currently under investigation by the Department of Education after reports of teachers allegedly helping matriculants answer their final matric exam questions surfaced

Teachers within the school itself allegedly blew the whistle saying that they were acting under instruction from the principle to help the pupils in their exams in order to achieve a 100 per cent pass rate.

According to Department of Education spokesperson Phumla Sekhonyane, investigations into the allegations are in full swing.

“The department has sent out officials to the school to investigate the matter and we appeal to the educators to cooperate with our investigation so that we can get to the bottom of this matter.

“We have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to cheating and we have vigorously pursued such allegations over the years.

“We do wonder why these educators did not come forward to the department to report this matter,” says Sekhonyane.

The matter first came to light in a recent article published by a national Sunday newspaper.

The Herald has since spoken the Director of the school Ramadhan Mijumbi who says that there is no truth to these allegations.

He has welcomed the Department’s investigation.

He says that he is in possession of proof that the Department’s invigilators were present during the examination period and says that it cannot be possible for teachers to assist the matriculants in their presence.

“These allegations are made by people who have been fired from the school.

“As a result, they are bitter and they are trying to drag the school down,” says Mijumbi.

The school caters for Grade 1 to Grade 12 pupils and school fees range between R500 for primary pupils and R700 for those in high school.

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