Elderly woman wakes up to a gunman in her bedroom

He fired a shot and immediately demanded that she hands over her cellphone and other valuable items.

Another house robbery has occurred in Mohlakeng after a 53-year-old woman’s home was broken into on 15 January at approximately 3am.

The woman was asleep and was awakened by noises in her house.

Upon opening her eyes, the woman was met by an unknown man who was inside her bedroom, heavily armed.

According to Randfontein SAPS spokesperson Captain Appel Ernst, the suspect immediately fired a shot and demanded that the woman hand over her cellphone and other valuable items.

“The woman handed over what was required of her.

“Two other robbers emerged and they ransacked the house for valuables.

“They managed to take a television set and other household appliances before escaping through a window,” says Ernst.

She expressed relief at the fact that the woman was not injured in the incident and says that Warrant officer Bongani Mpete will be investigating the case and can be contacted on 011 278 8100.

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