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Safety tips for business owners this Festive season

It is a common modus operandi of criminals to enter business premises as 'customers' and then hold staff at gunpoint.

With the festive season upon us and retail purchasing sure to increase in the coming days, ADT security Managing Director Clive Humprey warns that business owners need to be extra vigilant as it is a common modus operandi for criminals to enter a business as ‘customers’ and then hold staff at gunpoint.

According to Humphrey, this is why it is very important that businesses, as far as possible, ensure that there is some form of controlled access.

“A locked security gate can provide you with a vital few minutes to evaluate a situation before the suspects are actually in the premises.

‘If you feel something is not right, don’t open the gate,” says Humphrey.

He urges that business owners must get in the habit of regularly briefing their staff members on security and ensure that everyone is making a conscious effort to keep their workplace safe.

“For instance, staff members should carry panic buttons at all times and not hesitate to use them if they see something or someone suspicious,”

“Ideally, two people should be tasked with locking up the business and ensuring the premises are secure at the end of the day”.

He also advises that people should check on their alarm systems to ensure that everything is in working order to have any vulnerable areas reinforced.

“Start with your fence, wall and gate.

“Check that there are no overhanging trees or bushes that could be used to climb into the property.

“Make sure your gate is secured so it can’t be lifted off the hinges or put into manual overdrive easily.

“We’d also highly recommend investing in beams that cover the outer perimeter as they provide an instant alert should intruders get through the perimeter security.

“Criminals will no doubt be doing their ‘shopping’ in the coming weeks.

“However, if all staff members are vigilant and alert to potential risks, you can avoid becoming a statistic.” Says Humphrey.

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