Carryou honours their founders

Carryou Ministry honours their founders after 13-years of great service to the community.

Carryou Ministry recently honoured their founders and celebrated 13 years of successfully improving the lives of thousands of people in Randfontein.

The celebrations took place at the Toekomsrus Drop-in Centre and was part of the Annual General Meeting programme.

Carryou Ministry was founded in 2000, when the Anglican Church, St. John the Divine, asked Pam Jamison, member of the congregation and a nursing sister to attend an AIDS ‘trainer of trainers’ course.

This was because increasing numbers of people were turning to the church for assistance in dealing with the trauma of HIV and AIDS.

Pam completed the course and soon began to care for patients in Toekomsrus, a township bordering Randfontein. Word quickly spread however, and she was asked to train others so they too, could care for the sick.

And it wasn’t long before care-givers in other townships and rural areas got to hear of Pam’s training and came flocking to her for help and so, Carryou Ministry was born.

“It just grew,” says Pam. “Carryou Ministry is a non-profit organization involved in home-based care for the sick and elderly, as well as people affected by HIV/AIDS.”

“As a result of the devastating disease our biggest challenge now, is caring for the children left behind.”

Today Carryou Ministry distributes over 130 food parcels per month, cares for 253 patients and feeds almost 1 100 children per day.

The organisation has 24 full-time staff members as well as 168 Caregivers, Extended Public Works Programme members, Counsellors and Social Auxiliary Workers.

“We started this ministry with no resources – just sick people and a strong faith,” says Pam. “We prayed to God to lead us according to His purposes, which He always has done.”

“Pam and Tony’s contributions over the years are immeasurable,” says Carryou Ministry General Manager, Rev. Lawrence Mbaso. “They have enriched the lives of so many and we are all deeply grateful.”

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