Hail storm wreaks havoc in Randfontein

Reports are pouring in from residents who suffered severe damage during last weeks massive hails storm.

Update 2 December: Clean up operations for affected residents from Bekkersdal and Mohlakeng as well as other parts of the West Rand have already started, following heavy storms accompanied by hail that hit the West Rand on 28 October.

This comes after media reports indicated the West Rand as whole and other parts of Soweto were hit the hardest by the storm with hail stones ranging in size between that of a golf ball and a tennis ball.

The Herald took to the worst hit areas on 29 November and was shocked at the amount of damage done by the rain and hail..

Numerous shacks were swept away at the Spooktown informal settlement in Bekkersdal and roofs of other houses also damaged.

According to a Mohlakeng resident Maneo Nakhwa whose entire roof was blown away by the strong winds, she together with her family are now destitute and have no where else to go.

“At this point I don’t know what I am going to do.

“Its not everyday that one has money lying around for situations like this.

“We are in a position where we have nowhere else to go but to our neighbours and even so, we cannot expect them to accommodate us forever,” says Nakhwa.

Nakhwa is a domestic worker and lives with her three children, two of which are very young and cannot fend for themselves

According to West Rand District Municipality spokesperson Dennis Mangope, the municipality is working endlessly to intervene and assist where it can.

“We are currently inundated with calls from community members who have been affected by the heavy storms that destroyed more than 2000 houses in the West Rand.

“So far, approximately 800 iron sheets with which to repair roofs have been secured and 1200 blankets will be provided to displaced families.

“We have contacted the Gauteng Disaster Management Centre, NGOs, relief organisations, Gift of the Givers and the Department of Social Development asking for assistance.

“We will be engaging local churches, schools and Municipalities to secure temporary
accommodation for the affected communities.

“We are also mobilising food parcels to cater for families whose electricity has been affected,” says Mangope.

He also calls for affected residents to refrain from violent acts during these time of natural disasters.

For further information Mangope can be contacted on 071 6058 916.

28 November: A massive hail storm has swept over Randfontein on 28 November.

The storm brought heavy rain and hail stones ranging in size between that of a gholf ball and a tennis ball.

There is at this stage no indication whether anyone was injured, or if there was substantial damage caused.

At exactly 4pm, the skies have turned extremely dark, one might think its 7pm.

The dark clouds passed switfly, followed by finer hail and more rain.

The Herald has contacted the emergency services for information with regards to injuries or damages.

Watch this space as the story unfolds.

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