Westonaria Library hosts youth coffee club

Westonaria Library brings the youth together and empowers them to become mindful members of the community.

As program librarian for Westonaria, Righardt le Roux, enjoyed the privilege of not only attending the recent Liasa conference hosted in Cape Town, but also rendered a paper during the session.

“Public Libraries – the people’s university. A sound bulwark of a democratic state, underlining the important role the public library has to play within the South African society where the current state of the nation is one of fear and increasing pessimism.

“As public servants it is our foremost duty to help all people, but especially our youth as they are the future leaders, to pursue intellectual goals, acquiring new skills and competencies to ensure that they live life adding value to our nation,” says Righardt.

Discussions among academics made it clear that while we should be concerned with the intellectual enrichment of the youth one should also guide them towards ensuring social improvement within their communities.

For the academics it is no longer a question of language and mathematical literacy as the buzz clearly shifted to political literacy.

“Both Internationally and Nationally, we must realise that we need to start taking responsibly for mentoring today’s youth to one day take responsible, sensible and moral decisions to ensure a liveable environment for all,” says Righardt.

Entering into discussions with local sponsors as well as the Women’s Agricultural Union and Ons Spens / Our Pantry, Westonaria Library decided to launch a coffee club for the youth, as sometimes, effective change can be coming from quite outside the conventional.

On Saturday, 2 November, in order to kick of celebrations for Federal Children’s Day, 23 local youth gathered at Westonaria Main Library, collectively with 150 kilograms of maize which was then donated to Ons Spens / Our Pantry to help bring relief to the destitute of our community.

Speaking at the event, Neesha Ramsumar, CEO of UKS, said she was astounded by what the kids have achieved. Stating that their joint effort proves that nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it and work toward realizing one’s goals.

She encouraged the youth to continue supporting Westonaria Library in this project and not to see it as a short term goal, as with everything else in life, stressing that one of the most important things any person can do is to make sure you choose the relevant people to help mentor you.

By making use of a mind map a person confirms where you are going and you need to keep on being focused. In closure she also reminded everyone gathered to remember ‘together is a wonderful place to be’.

Anneke van der Hoff, spokesperson for Ons Spens / Our Pantry said that she was so impressed with these youngsters. Even in these very difficult times they show strength to face their future.

“Thanks to Righardt they have grown into responsible boys and girls. I am very grateful for all the maize meal we have received for Ons Spens / Our Pantry,” says Anneke.

The next coffee club will be hosted on 7 December and the youth interested in more information can call Righardt at Westonaria Main Library on 011 278 3044.

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