Mudslinging during Bekkersdal debate

The DA is to blame for all the 'mess' in Bekkersdal.

Talks aimed at finding solutions for the already troubled Bekkersdal turned bad when racial slurs where thrown around between the ANC and the DA.

This was during a debate at the Gauteng Legislature on 4 November where political leaders turned the blame on each other instead of finding a way forward for residents of the area.

According to DA Caucus leader Jack Bloom who spoke at the debate, the root of the current conflict in Bekkersdal goes back a long time to when promises were made to people of the area but little of them delivered on.

“The Bekkersdal renewal project was launched by then Gauteng Premier Mbhazima Shilowa in 2004 as a Presidential lead project with a budgeted cost of R1.2 billion.

“This was meant to better the lives of people in the area but we are seeing little of that.

“Therefore, residents of Bekkersdal are right to ask what happened to all the money that has been promised to developing the area.

“Roads are still not tarred, the brick-making centre is incomplete and sewage runs in the streets.

“The multi-purpose centre is not operational and other promised projects have not happened either,” said Bloom.

He added that service delivery in the area has been compromised owing to crony tenders.

In turn, the ANC hit back at the statements made during the debate saying that the DA is to blame for the ‘mess’ in Bekkersdal

According to Economic Development MEC Mxolisi Xayiya, DA members have enjoyed the financial gains of South Africans mining industry while mine workers worked in poor conditions.

“The primary beneficiaries of the ‘looting’ are found in Houghton where you guys (the DA members) are residents.

“We are presently cleaning up your mess,” said Xayiaya

He added that should residents of Bekkersdal understand the real cause behind the reasons for their protest actions then they would turn on the DA.

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