House robberies on the rise

We as the CPF have responded to numerous panic alarms in terms of house robberies.

House robberies are on the rise in Randfontein.

According to the Randfontein Community Policing Forum (RCPF) Public Relations officer, Warren Anderson, sector four, which consists of Greenhills, Culemborg Park, Eike Park, Helikon Park, Randpoort, Randgate and Homelake, is especially hard hit by this crime phenomenon.

Although statistics are yet to be confirmed with the police, Anderson is adamant that house robberies alone seem to be skyrocketing in the run iup to the Festive Season.

“We as the CPF have responded to numerous panic alarms – especially in sector four,” says Anderson.

“We have noted that criminals continuously change their approach and are always on the lookout for the best way to get into your house.”

He adds that residents also seem to have taken crime warnings to heart and are being more careful, but says that this alone is not always enough to deter criminals.

“We are doing well in terms of communicating with residents through media platforms and at our meetings,” says Anderson.

“Our information network is growing rapidly and we get regular reports of suspicious people and vehicles roaming about neighbourhoods via our social media networks such as Facebook and WhatsApp.

“This has led to us being able to improve our reaction time significantly.”

Anderson has warned that residents need to keep up and even increase their vigilance as crime – especially house robbery, burglary and vehicle theft traditionally increases significantly toward the end of the year.

“I can not emphasize enough that people need to keep their doors and windows locked.

“We all like to have a braai in the backyard during those hot summer Saturday afternoons.

“Rather be safe and make sure that no-one can sneak up on you or gain access to your house by locking doors and perimeter gates and, if possible, arming your alarm system so that you will immediately know if someone enters your premises.

“Always be on the lookout for strangers and suspicious vehicles in your street and make sure you have your local sector police vehicle, as well as your local CPF structure’s contact details on hand at all times in case of an emergency.”

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